Haus des Gastes

Touristinfo Oberrathen

Parkplatz Oberrathen

379 freie Plätze

Eisenbahnwelten in Kurort Rathen

Since Easter 2007 you can find the latest attraction of the climate resort Rathen next to the parking site for cars and buses. The world’s biggest LGB (Lehmann Gross Bahn) – railway system with a scale of 1:22.5 presents itself on more than 7,500 sqm and a total track length of 4,600 meter. Experience details of the world of railways of the upper Elbe. Travel from “Decin to Meißen”, with the “Semmeringbahn” (Semmering railway), the „Lößnitzdackel“ (Lössnitzgrund Railway), the „Kirnitzschtalbahn“ (Kirnitzschtal Tramway), the route Pirna-Neustadt, Altenberg- Heidenau as well as the narrow gauge railway in the Zittau Mountains.

In more than 2 years of work with a lot of effort and the help of regional companies, the family Hanisch and their employees created, out of an overgrown lawn, a picture of their regional landscape including 300 tons of sandstone, 220 meters of the course of the Elbe, 250 meter of wheelchair routes and 225 mostly authentic buildings.

In the area is a guesthouse with a restaurant and a terrace for 90 guests.


Eisenbahnwelten Kurort Rathen
Elbweg 10
01824 Kurort Rathen


Dienstag bis Sonntag von 10 bis 18 Uhr
Montag Ruhetag

Der letzte Einlass erfolgt ca. 17 Uhr oder eher.

Touristinformation “Haus des Gastes”
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 422

Gemeindeverwaltung Kurort Rathen
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 671