Haus des Gastes

Touristinfo Oberrathen

Parkplatz Oberrathen

379 freie Plätze

Der Amselsee

The "Amselsee" you will find on your way to the Bastei within 10 - 15 minutes from the centre of Niederrathen or only 400 metres behind the ticket office of the Felsenbühne Rathen.

The lake Amselsee with its current length of 500 metres was created in 1934 when a dam was built to collect the waters of the Grünbach. This was originally built to use its ice in winter as well as for fish-farming. For a sufficient boat tour around the lake you can plan about 20 minutes. Due to its fascinating location it was decided to make it accessible for tourism in the 60s. Because of that the guests of Rathen are able today to make an enjoyable romantic boat trip on this lake either in a rowing boat or a water paddler and this from April to October.

Special attractions are the night rowing trips which are available at some weekends in the summer months and they are organized by the Rathen Boatman Association. But even in winter this little lake is an attraction for ice-skaters. Who decides for an half-hour boat trip on the Amselsee is offered the unique possibility to experience the Niederrathen rock massifs from a very different angle.

Because not only the massifs "Lokomotive" together with the "Lamb", the "Beehive" and the "Storch nest" sit enthroned in the north of the Amselsee, but the "Big Goose" and the "Monk" border the view to the valley in the north. The "Watchman of the Valley" and the "Rock Massifs" in the east complete the breathtaking views in the east.


Ruderbetrieb auf dem Amselsee ab Ostern 2024

Abweichungen je nach Witterungslage und Nutzung möglich!

Ruderboote bis 4 Personen 30 Min.
6,50 €

Tretboote bis 4 Personen 30 Min.
9,00 €

» Öffnungszeiten

Touristinformation “Haus des Gastes”
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 422

Gemeindeverwaltung Kurort Rathen
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 671