Haus des Gastes

Touristinfo Oberrathen

Parkplatz Oberrathen

387 freie Plätze

Tips for trips starting in Kurort Rathen

1. Bastei

Route:   From the spa Rathen- Hotel "Amselschlösschen" - short climb to the Bastei- Felsenburg-Neurathen- Basteiaussicht (lookout)- Schwedenlöcher- Amselsee (the possibility of rowing)- the spa Rathen
Dauer:   It will take you approximately 3 hours
Note:   It is moderately straining.


2. Schwedenlöcher

Route:   Spa Rathen- Amselsee (possibility of rowing)- Schwedenlöcher- Gansweg- Rathewalder Fußweg ( pedestrian path in Rathewalde) – Amselgrund- spa Rathen
Dauer:   It will take you abut 3 hours
Note:   straining


3. Rundweg (1)

Route:   Spa Rathen- Gamrigfelsen- street towards Waltersdorf- after 50 metres to the right on a track across the fields to the lookout “Kleine Bastei”- Rhododendronpark- spa Rathen
Dauer:   It will take you about 1.5 hrs
Note:   convenient


4. Rundweg (2)

Route:   Spa Rathen "Haus des Gastes" - Füllhölzelweg- Knotenweg- Pionierweg- to the left to the Amselsee- spa Rathen
Dauer:   It will take you about 1 hr
Note:   convenient


5. "Durch die Gründe" track (through the valleys track):

Route:   Spa Rathen- Elbweg to Stadt Wehlen- Uttewalder Grund- Zscherregrund and Teufelskammer- climb Bruno-Barthel-Weg – Steinerner Tisch- Bastei or Schwedenlöcher- spa Rathen
Dauer:   It will take you about 3-4 hours
Note:   convenient


6. Hockstein - Polenztal


Spa Rathen – Amselsee – Pionierweg - Hockstein - down the Wolfsschlucht into the Polenztal- optional Bärengarten Hohnstein- Brand – Polenztal – or directly towards Waltersdorfer Mühle- climb up Füllhölzelweg – spa Rathen

Dauer:   It will take you about 3-5 hours
Note:   straining


7. Lilienstein


Spa Rathen- Kottesteg- Lottersteg- Lilienstein north track- Lilienstein downwards on the south route- Königstein-Elbweg to spa Rathen or back by boat or train

Dauer:   It will take you about 5 hours
Note:   partly straining


8. Rauenstein


Spa Rathen (parking lot)- pass the way “Am Felsengrund” or at the pension “Laasenperle”- climb up Rauenstein- walk along the ridge track to Stadt Wehlen_ along the Elbeweg (possible on both banks of the river) to the spa Rathen

Dauer:   It will take you about 3.5 hours
Note:   partly straining


9. Pfaffenstein


Spa Rathen- by boat,train or along the Elbeweg to Königstein- Pfaffenberg- Pfaffendorf- Climb up through the Nadelöhr to the Pfaffenstein- convenient way downwards- Rundweg to the Quirl- Königstein

Dauer:   It will take you about 5-6 hours
Note:   straining


10. Hohe Liebe


Ostrauer Mühle- Flössersteig to the Nasser Grund- Hohe Liebe- Schrammtor- Obrigensteig- Postelwitz- ferry in Krippen

Dauer:   It will take you about 3.5 hours
Note:   moderately straining

Touristinformation “Haus des Gastes”
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 422

Gemeindeverwaltung Kurort Rathen
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 671