Haus des Gastes

Touristinfo Oberrathen

Parkplatz Oberrathen

354 freie Plätze


The Schrammsteine are a 12 km long group of rock massifs, which are heavily ragged. They are bordered by the Kirnitzschtal in the north, the Elbtal in the south and the two Winterbergs ( Winter Mountains) in the west.

They are divided into the "Vordere Schrammsteine" , which lead from the Falkenstein to the Breite Kluft and the "Hintere Schrammsteine" which you can find in between the Affensteine and the Winterbergs. Very mighty are the 3 cliffs of the Schrammtore, which have already been in existence for millions of years.

Touristinformation “Haus des Gastes”
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 422

Gemeindeverwaltung Kurort Rathen
Füllhölzelweg 1 | 01824 Kurort Rathen

035024 - 70 671